Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Softskill Meeting 3

1.       Which of the following is NOT true ?
a.       Winners placed olive wreaths on their own heads.
b.      The games were held in Greece every four years.
c.       Battles were interrupted to participate every four years.
d.      Poem glorified the winners in song.
The answer is C.
Because we can see option A , B and D in the paragraph 1.

2.       The world “elite” in line 5 is closest in meaning to …
a.       Aristocracy
b.      Brave
c.       Intellectuals
d.      Muscular
The answer is D.
Because “elite” in the paragraph telling about power of military so same meaning with Muscular.

3.       Why were the Olympic Games held ?
a.       To stop wars
b.      To honor Zeus
c.       To crown the best athletes
d.      To sing songs about the athletes
The answer is B.
We can found answer  in line 1.

4.       Approximately how many years ago did these game originate ?
a.       800 years
b.      1200 years
c.       2300 years
d.      2800 years
The answer is D.
B.C is before century so just calculate 776 B.C until now 2012. The result is 2787.

5.       What conclusion can we draw about the ancient Greeks ?
a.       They were pacifist
b.      They believe athletic events were important
c.       They were very simple
d.      They couldn’t count, so they used “Olympiads” for dates
The answer is B.
From the lines in the paragraph the conclusion in option B.

6.       What is the main idea of this passage ?
a.       Physical fitness was an integral part of the lives of the ancient Greeks
b.      The Greeks severely punished those who did not participate in physical fitness programs
c.       The Greeks had always encouraged everyone to participate in the games
d.      The Greeks had the gamed coincide with religious festivities so that they could go back to war when the games over.
The answer is D.
From this passage main idea is in options D

7.       In line 14 the word “deeds” is closest in meaning to ...
a.       Accomplishments
b.      Ancestors
c.       Documents
d.      Property
The answer is A.
Deeds in the paragraph refers to recorded about what a man do in the past and have same meaning with accomplishments.

8.       Which of the following was ultymately required of all athletes competing in the Olympics?
a.       They must have completed military service
b.      They had to attend special training sessions
c.       They had to be Greek males with no criminal record
d.      They had to be very religious
The answer is C.
Ultimately required is in line 3.

9.       The word “halted” in line 16 mean most nearly the same as ...
a.       Encourages
b.      Started
c.       Curtailed
d.      Fixed
The answer is C.
Halted is refers to stopped is same meaning with curtailed

10.   What is an “Olympiad”?
a.       The time it took to finish the games
b.      The time between games
c.       The it took to finish a war
d.      The time it took the athletes to train
The answer is C.
From the word halted we can see the Olympiad is took to finish war.


1.       The defendant refused to answer the prosecutor’s questions ...
a.       Because he was afraid it would incriminate him
b.      For fear that they will incriminate him
c.       Because he was afraid that his answer would incriminate him
d.      Fearing that he will be incriminated by it
The answer is C.
Because relevant with the case and sequence on tenses is right it is past tenses with past tenses.
In options A, B and D no relevant with the case and not sequence.

2.       Mrs. Walker has returned ...
a.       A wallet back to its original owner
b.      To its original owner the wallet
c.       The wallet to its originally owner
d.      The wallet to its original owner
 The answer is D.
Because I think the option D is right for complete the sentence, if option A,B and C indicate not relevant.

3.       The hospital owes  ... for the construction on the wing.
a.       The government twenty million dollars
b.      For the government twenty million dollars
c.       To the government twenty million dollars
d.      Twenty million of dollars to the government
The answer is D.
Because just need object for this sentence.

4.       Sarah ... that she could not attend classes next week.
a.       Told to her professors
b.      Said her professors
c.       Told her professors
d.      Is telling her professors
The answer is A.
Because said or told must follow to.

5.       The artist was asked to show some paintings at the contest because ...
a.       He painted very good
b.      They believed he painted well
c.       Of their belief that he was an good artist
d.      The judges had been told of his talents
The answer is A.
Because past tense sequence with past tense in option A.

6.       If motorists do not observe the traffic regulations, they will be stopped, ticketed, and have to pay a fine.
The false word is fine, because the parallelism is stopped, ticketed and fine must be fined.

7.       Fred, who usually conducts the choir rehearsals, did not show up last night because he had an accident on his way to the pratice.
The false word is had, because must had had the sentence is past perfect tense.

8.       A short time before her operation last month, Mrs. Carlyle dreams of her daugther who lives overseas.
The false word is dreams, because the sentence is past tense. Dreams must dreamed.

9.       The atmosphere in Andalucia is open, warm, and gives a welcome feeling to all who have the good fortune to visit there.
The false word is gives a welcome feeling. the parallelism is open, warm all is adjective, the false word is not adjective  but verb gerund and synonym the false word is peaceful.

10.   Some of the people were standing in the street watched the parade, while others were singing song.
The false word is watched. The sentences is simple present continous with verb ing. The false word must be watching.  

Rabu, 04 April 2012

About Diet

A menu of diet for 13 days
Abstinence : salt and rice .

The advantages of this diet, if followed properly (not distorted at all), the weight could be down 5-8kg. This Diet has been investigated that State of a chemical in the body being in such good so there is no possibility to fat again, provided the start day to 14 eat normally (no exaggeration). This Diet is fairly done once a year. To NOTE, when we forgot and ate something that deviates from this diet, the diet MUST BE RESTARTED AGAIN BEGAN the DAY first, because maybe your weight can go down but fat chance longer will happen due to irregularities. This Diet only to eliminate fat.     
 Important : Dinner last hour 18.00wib
Day-1 and Day-8
Morning         : a cup of coffee / tea tubruk + 1 hr granulated sugar
Afternoon       : 2 boiled eggs + 1 bunch spinach + 1 tomato + 2 boiled potatoes
Night              : 150gr fried beef/grilled fish + lettuce with squeeze lemon

Day-2 and Day-9
Morning         : a cup of coffee / tea tubruk  + 1 hr granulated sugar
Afternoon       : 150gr fried beef/grilled fish + lettuce + 1 fresh fruit + 2 boiled potatoes
Night               : steamed Chicken 250gr + 1 banana

Day-3 dan Day-10
Morning         : a cup of coffee / tea tubruk  + 1 hr granulated sugar
Afternoon       : 2 boiled eggs + 1 tomato + 1 fresh fruit +1 bunch spinach/watercress + 2 boiled potatoes
Night               : chicken 250gr broiled + lettuce with squeeze lemon + 1 banana

Day-4 and Day-11
Morning         : a cup of coffee / tea tubruk + 1 hr granulated sugar + 1 slice of fresh bread
Afternoon       : 1 hard boiled egg + 1 carrot (boiled briefly) + 1 sheet cheese + 1 fresh fruit
Night               : 1 full pepaya orange bowl squeeze lemon + 1 glass of milk fat non-fat

Day-5 and Day-12
Morning         : 1 large carrot grated coarsely squeeze lemon + 1 cup of coffee/tea sweet
Afternoon       : 250gr chicken with a little sauce and butter is not salty + 2 boiled potatoes
Night               : 150gr beef goreng / grilled fish + lettuce with squeeze lemon + 1 bunch spinach

Day-6 and Day-13
Morning         : 1 cup of coffee/tea tubruk with no sugar + 1 slice toast
Afternoon       : 250gr chicken broiled + lettuce squeeze lemon + 2 boiled potatoes + 1fresh fruit
Night               : 2 boiled eggs + 1 large carrot grated coarsely lemon

Morning         : a cup of coffee / tea tubruk  + 1 hr granulated sugar
Afternoon       : 150gr fried beef/grilled fish+ 1 fresh fruit + 2 boiled potatoes
Night               : 2 bananas + 2 boiled eggs

During the dieting will often urinate but probably rarely defecate.

Economic Indonesian

BPS: Paling Tepat BBM Naik September-Oktober
Senin, 2 April 2012 13:23 wib
JAKARTA - Pemerintah memang batal menaikkan harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) bersubsidi pada 1 April kemarin, di mana jika kenaikan dilakukan pada pertengahan tahun akan memicu inflasi.

Direktur Statistik Harga Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Sasmito Hadi Wibowo menjelaskan, jika harga BBM bersubsidi dinaikkan pada tengah tahun, merupakan suatu hal yang sulit karena bulan-bulan pada tengah tahun biasanya merupakan musim liburan dan tahun ajaran baru dan masa menjelang puasa.

"Kalau harga BBM naik, pemerintah bunuh diri kalau naikin (BBM) Juli. Saya rasa mungkin pemerintah tidak akan menaikkan (BBM) pada pertengahan tahun," ungkapnya kala ditemui dikantornya, Jakarta, Senin (2/4/2012).

Menurutnya, waktu paling aman untuk menaikkan harga BBM ada pada periode September-Oktober, karena biasanya dua bulan ini terjadinya deflasi atau sekalipun terjadi inflasi masih kecil besarannya. "Saya kira pemerintah enggak akan berani. Kalau mau diambil September-Oktober kenaikannya. Kalau mau yang aman di sana," paparnya.

Selain itu, musim panen raya juga berlangsung pada September-Oktober. Sasmito pun menyebutkan, dua bulan tersebut merupakan masa setelah Lebaran. "Setelah Lebaran kan daya beli kita turun. Harga ayam jatuh, segala macam jatuh. Nah, pas tuh," kata Sasmito.

Di sisi lain, BPS juga memperkirakan, jika pemerintah jadi menaikkan harga BBM bersubsidi sebesar Rp1.500 per liter pada bulan tersebut maka dampaknya terhadap inflasi tidak besar.

Dirinya menilai inflasi tidak akan sampai 6,8 persen seperti asumsi pemerintah dalam APBN-Perubahan 2012. Ia memprediksi inflasi hanya sekira enam persen. "Kalau (kenaikan) di bawah Rp 1.500 per liter, ya lebih kecil lagi (dampaknya terhadap inflasi)," pungkasnya. (mrt)

 In my opinion want whenever fuel prices on the rise will be very detrimental to Indonesian  people even though the outline doesn't harm the State. Indeed the price of fuel in indonesia is cheaper in any country .  But if it is viewed per capita income in these countries it 's a long way .  Supposed to be of a result of world oil prices rising do not cause the price of subsidized fuel in indonesia so rising  too .  But back to evaluate the expenses of government budget keep escalating every year to the expenditure that is not clearly and results that are not apparent , too . The Government should create a clear justice. Namely don ' t just make rich getting rich so that oppresses the poor and needy poorer .